AXSUB®Depthmeter – AxDEPTH 21

1,986.50 CAD2,312.75 CAD

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This AXSUB® high precision depth and temperature device (AxDEPTH) is accurate up to ±1.5 FSW. It can be used with any of the AxVIEWV, AxVIEWV-P or AxVIEWV-RM Series Systems with one of our Data Cable (DC-B or CDC-B).

This device can be used when the SMART CAMERA is not required or when only depth monitoring is required.

Order Information: AXSUB® Electronic Depthmeter, 0-1000 FSW, 0.15% FS

Can be delivered with a MCIL5M connector. This option must be added when order is placed : Term-AxDEPTH-MCIL5M.

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 2 in

AxDEPTH21, AxDEPTH21-MC5Mx1.2m, AxDEPTH21-MC5Mx0.6m

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